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How Does WORK JAPAN Recommend Jobs to Foreigners That Will Be Best for Them?

Categories Jobs Work

Irene Medina

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WORK JAPAN is an online job platform that aims to connect foreigners seeking employment in Japan with companies looking to hire global talent. With cutting-edge job matching technology and end-to-end support, WORK JAPAN simplifies the process of finding a fitting job opportunity as a foreigner in Japan. Here is an in-depth look at how the platform recommends relevant jobs and supports users along the hiring journey:

Sign Up and Create a Detailed Profile

Getting started on WORK JAPAN entails creating a comprehensive profile outlining your background, skills, other information. Here are the details that you need to enter when you are submitting your profile.

Profiles require details on:

·        Personal information

When creating your personal information section on the WORK JAPAN profile, it is important that you add basic details such as your nationality, native language, and other languages you are fluent in speaking, reading, and writing. Additionally, be sure to include your most up-to-date contact information in this section, such as phone number and email address, so potential employers or recruiters can reach you.

·        Education & qualifications

The education and qualifications section of your WORK JAPAN profile requires you to enter details on all relevant degrees, certificates, diplomas, or other academic credentials you have obtained.

This includes listing the name of the institutions you have attended, the degrees/certificates achieved, the subject or field of study, the years you were enrolled, and any honors, special projects, or academic achievements worth highlighting from your educational background. Providing this level of detail allows employers to better evaluate your academic record and skills.

·        Work experience

The work experience section of your WORK JAPAN profile requires listing all previous jobs and internships you have held. For each role, include the name of the company, your job title or position, the years you were employed, and an overview of your key responsibilities, achievements, and contributions during that job.

Providing this level of work history allows Japanese employers to better evaluate your capabilities and fit for open roles.

·        Skills

In this section, you will want to lay out your areas of technical expertise related to jobs you are targeting. This includes specifics such as programming languages, software platforms, analytical tools, equipment operation skills or other specialized abilities that would be relevant to employers in Japan. Highlighting your software knowledge, technical strengths and hands-on capabilities allows hiring managers to align your candidacy with appropriate openings requiring those skillsets.

·        Job preferences

The job preferences section enables you to indicate sought after locations within Japan, your industries of interest, and a short description of your dream job or ideal role. Outlining geographic areas, sectors, or companies you are targeting helps recruiters identify opportunities that strongly match your career aspirations in the Japanese market. Briefly describing your long-term dream role also aids in aligning your preferences with appropriate job openings.

·        Other information

Lastly, providing some personality traits, interests and hobbies allows Japanese employers to get a fuller view of you as a candidate beyond academics and work history. Outlining activities you enjoy outside the office, causes you support in the community or personal attributes that would make you a strong team player helps hiring managers understand your fit with company culture and values.

The more information supplied, the better the recommendations. You can build your profile from scratch or auto-fill via resume upload. Be sure to keep it updated as experience grows.

Apply to Jobs Seamlessly

Spot a great matched job? Applying takes just a few clicks. Streamlined application forms pre-fill from profile details. You can input additional details for a specific job opening, saving considerable application time.

For some openings, you can submit applications directly online by attaching a resume and cover letter tailored to the role.

However, many top companies have screening tests before applications to assess Japanese and English ability. Tests determine suitability and are structured around the required fluency levels for each job.

Wait to Get Screened

After applying for jobs, the next step is patiently waiting for your candidacy to be screened by recruiters and hiring managers across various companies in Japan. This screening process can take some time depending on how quickly recruiters review incoming profiles relative to current open roles and priorities at their organizations.

Recruiters sift through many profiles, so politely staying engaged with key decision makers ensures they revisit your qualifications when making hiring assessments. With an abundance of qualified candidates on WORK JAPAN, seamlessly following up and expressing genuine excitement is key during the “Wait to Get Screened” phase.

Staying patient yet proactive, tracking recruiter interest while highlighting your unique value and fit through multiple channels gives you the best chance of progressing to direct interviews and consideration during the screening process.

Connect with Employers Through Interviews

When you pass screenings, WORK JAPAN coordinates online or in-person job interviews with interested companies from its vast employer network. You can find all information about the companies that shortlisted your profile. As a result, getting ready for the interviews will not be a major challenge.

Such employer connectivity and pre-interview guidance set WORK JAPAN apart from traditional boards. Support continues till you land a job.

Evaluate Job Offers and Negotiate Terms

The final critical step after garnering employer interest through WORK JAPAN is negotiating favorable employment terms before accepting a formal job offer. Key aspects up for discussion may include:

  • Salary Packages

Base salary amount, housing/transport allowances, standard annual raises, performance bonus structures

  • Benefits

Health/life insurance options, paid time off and leave, pension contributions and retirement planning, transportation stipends and other company perks

  • Visas and Relocations

Sponsorship terms if required, relocation packages and assistance for foreigners moving to Japan for work

  • Work Conditions and Lifestyle

Standard office hours and overtime expectations, workplace environment and culture dynamics, company values regarding work-life balance

Thoroughly evaluate each component and clarify terms you are unclear on during the offer stage. Determine areas of flexibility for negotiating increased vacation time, performance bonuses, dependent tuition coverage and so on based on what is most valued to you within Japanese industry standards and legal regulations.

Securing favorable job offer packages requires both bolstering your leverage through multiple WORK JAPAN options, while still remaining sensitive to cultural nuances. Drive discussions leading to mutually agreeable contract terms for a rewarding career move to Japan.

Go ahead and create your profile on WORK JAPAN now to get started.

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